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Effective August 15, 2023  - If the new
password doesn't work for you, please

refresh your browser and try again.

Members Only

NOTE: The member password for this website changed
on August 15. Notice was sent to your state president for
notifying districts and clubs within 
your state. Your club
president should have received it from them by now.
Please check with your club president if the password

has not yet been distributed to club members.


DIRECTOR: Monica Hansen
Vikki is also Chair of the 2023 CAR-SGC

Monthly update is the 15th of each month. In August, there were four revisions: name spelling for two
conference state liaisons, email address for one state president, and revision for name and chair of
one award. 


Check out the Conference details. The PROGRAMS are fantastic, there is a full-day bus trip for touring the area, and the host hotel is highly rated. If you have never attended a CAR-SGC Conference, don't miss this opportunity to see beautiful upstate New York in the fall. It will be a great time to meet and mingle with other garden club members who share your interests!  



The new 11-page Board Directory combines a list of CAR-SGC Officers and Committee Chairs with an alphabetical directory that has their contact information. A table of contents makes it easy to find whatever information you're looking for. It is ready for posting when the new password is activated in mid-July. If you need it in the meantime, email the webmaster via the CONTACT page to request it.

Look for a link to the Awards Rules on the
MEMBERS ONLY page. CAR-SGC leadership is committed to digital privacy for CAR-SGC members. Since the Awards Rules includes personal contact information for the chair of each award, this document is accessible only with the password which has been distributed to every state president who, in turn, has made the password available to districts and/or clubs for members.



Congratulations to all of the new CAR-SGC Life Members! 

Please support the CAR-SGC Scholarship Fund by nominating yourself or another garden club member for Life Membership. CAR-SGC Life Membership Form


As updates are posted to this website, it is necessary for the mobile view of this website to be updated manually. It will never be as good as the "full" view, but every effort will be made to include the most important elements of the "full" view. Your patience will be appreciated in the coming months because it may be several weeks, perhaps into summer, before it is completed.  If you're frustrated with the mobile view, please visit this website on your computer.


Just a quick note to say "thank you" for supporting these website guidelines. Your cooperation helps to assure that accurate and relevant information is provided to website visitors in a visually appealing manner -- the objective that we established for the website when CAR-SGC Director Regina Brown invited me to accept this responsibility in 2017. The purpose of these guidelines is to maintain consistency in the format, whether a website visitor is looking at a website page or a linked document. The latest update contains minor tweaks but consists primarily of changing the order for these guidelines. Thank you again!  Margaret Woda, Website Chair​

  1. LOGO: Include the CAR-SGC logo on any document that will be linked to the website. The image appears at the top of this page and below these guidelines. You can take a screen shot of the logo to use on your document or the website committee will add a logo to your document if you request it. Note that quality of the CAR-SGC logo is not very good and the smaller it is, the better. The logo with five lines of text in the middle is obsolete and should not be used. 

  2. ​FONT: Use a non-serif font such as arial, avenir, cambria, or helvetica; font size 11; BLACK font only. 

  3. LINKS: Provide the full URL, regardless of how long or short it may be. The website committee may opt to display an abbreviated link, but anyone who clicks on the abbreviated link will be connected to the full link. Links may be displayed in a green font with underline or as a button, at the discretion of the committee.

  4. FORMAT: Submit your document in the format that it was created -- MSWord (or Pages if you're using an Apple device) -- NOT pdf. Any documents linked to the website will be converted to PDF by the committee. 

  5. LISTS/FORMS: Prepare lists or forms using a table format in MSWord or Excel (Pages or Numbers if you're using an Apple device) -- NOT pdf. Please maintain a left margin in each column. If you need help with this, we can set up a template for you to use. Just ask!

  6. FILLABLE FORM: In addition to submitting your document in the format that it was created, you have the option to submit it as a fillable PDF.  You may ask the committee to create a fillable pdf document that can be completed online but this process could delay the posting of your fillable document. NOTE: Some devices do not support this function.

  7. IMAGES: Images must be submitted in jpeg format and attribution must be provided. (An NGC Release must accompany the document you submit, if applicable.) Posting an image without a release lease the organization vulnerable to a copyright violation. If you can't find a photo to support the document you submit, TAKE ONE WITH YOUR MOBILE PHONE!

  8. EXCEPTIONS: Fliers promoting a CAR-SGC event may use clip art or photo images (assuming you have a release for them), text may be centered, a non-serif font should be used for important information, and the title of the event may be in any font/color you choose. (In most cases, we do not post state, district or local club events.)

  9. LAST STEP: Submit your document as an email attachment to CAR-SGC Include the name, phone number and email address for author or preparer of the document, the date for posting, and any questions or specific instructions.​

  10. UPDATES: In the event that updates are needed to pages or linked documents, the committee will be happy to make them upon request, provided that the current information was submitted in the format specified in these guidelines.


Nothing beats communication, when it comes to resolving concerns or questions. Please use the CONTACT tab at the top of this website to assure the fastest response. This also helps us maintain an accurate record of communication that is website-specific. 

Last but not least, please contact me if you would like to participate on this committee. No website experience is necessary but solid word-processing skills are required.  I have mentored other website chairs for CAR-SGC state and local clubs and I would welcome an opportunity to help you!


Somewhere in your state is at least one member (perhaps many more) who enjoys taking pictures at meetings, in their own garden, on field trips to public gardens and other sites in your state. Maybe you have members who participate in the NGC Photographers Group on Facebook.

The CAR-SGC website should feature photos of sites and activities in all six states and the NCAGC. At this time, the home page photo was taken by a non-member of any garden club and most of the people and sites are photos taken over the years by the website chair. 



A 30-day journal for kids to track their outside play... complete with pages to color and opportunities for kids and grownups to interact while completing it. Check it out on the NGC WEBSITE.

CAR-SGC Awards for 2021-2023

A link to updated descriptions for CAR-SGC awards is available now on the MEMBERS page of the website

CAR-SGC Scholarship Patronage Program

Learn about this relatively new program by clicking on Scholarship Patronage under the ABOUT tab on this website. This program will encourage annual donations to support and perhaps expand the scholarships offered by CAR-SGC to college and graduate students who are enrolled in agriculture, botany, environmental studies, forestry, horticulture, landscape design and other fields of interest included in the NGC scholarship criteria. This program is in addition to the Life Membership Program, which also supports CAR-SGC scholarships.



Together We Will Plant America for a Cleaner, Greener and Healthier World.

Environmental School.jpeg

Photo: Licensed by

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